January 30, 2011

Welcome to my blog

Hello all!

Welcome to my very first blogspot! Well, this is a first timer :) I've finally decided on taking on a more professional approach to writing. During the past few years I have travelled quite intensively and after a two-year break I am SO ready for new adventures. Through this blogspot I want to share my crazy travel stories with friends & family accross the globe.

Coming up >> Rwanda

As from February 24th, I'll be sharing news and stories about Rwandese culture, nature & everyday life during a two-month stay. I am very excited to meet new people, share experiences, get acquainted with a whole new culture and discover breathtaking nature. I will try to update this blog on a daily base, but some of the major stories will be joined into a travel magazine called 360 degrees.

More about the project and the magazine in a next post.

But for now, I wish you an enjoyable reading experience. Feel free to leave comments, thoughts and suggestions or share this with your own friends.

Speak soon...



  1. I am ready for some inspiration from abroad! Keep us posted...and bon voyage!!!

  2. Hi,

    Consider me your first faithful reader.


  3. me the second reader.... enjoy ma belle! take care! and if you need anything (we never know...) please dont hesitate to contact me ok???!!! biz

  4. and I'm following you right through your journey... will look forward to your posts & pics...
